The Mark Twain House & Museum is looking for donations of clothing the the style of the 19th century to help properly outfit our Living History Guides.

Actors playing the roles of Twain’s wife, daughter, butler, maid, chauffer, and best friend, dress in Victorian-era costumes as they take visitors through a more personal look at the home of Samuel Clemens. In this house in the West End,  he and his wife raised their daughters, entertained good friends, and enjoyed Hartford.  Clemens  (Mark Twain), lived in Hartford from 1871 through 1891, a time of the creation of some of his most famous books.

The guides are looking for maids’ caps, lightweight cotton dresses, gowns, jackets with peplum detail, long winter skirts, and men’s vests, jackets and trousers. Feather dusters would also be appreciated.

You may drop off donations to the Visitors Desk in the museum, 385 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily.


Thank you.