We were delighted and honored to host U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal’s press conference on Wednesday, July 3, where he announced that our internationally renowned museum will receive $487,000 from the Historic Preservation Fund/Save America’s Treasures to repair and replace the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system ​in the 150-year-old historic house.
Senator Blumenthal played a pivotal role in the museum’s inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2024 spending bill.  MTH&M Interim Executive Director Michael Campbell gratefully acknowledged this award by saying, “The museum needed this funding through the NPS Historic Preservation Fund because of the severe nature of the degradation of our HVAC system, the threat this offers to the on-going preservation of the house and fragile museum collections within, and the national significance of this Landmark structure. We are undertaking this project as part of a larger effort to conserve the exterior and interior of the Twain House. This is essential to our mission to preserve and protect the legacy of Mark Twain and his historic Hartford home.”
David Jimenez, chair of the MTH&M Development Committee and a museum trustee, added, “As always, Senator Blumenthal’s advocacy for Connecticut’s cultural treasures has produced important results for our state and the nation at large. We are grateful to him and the National Park Service for recognizing the importance of our museum and its collections.”