HMTCA 2022

Since 2013, The Mark Twain House & Museum has sponsored an art and essay contest for middle and high school students at Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA). This ongoing collaboration encourages students’ reading, writing, and artistic skills, and inspires them to express their creative voices through words and illustration.


Students in Stephanie Logus’ Drawing class learned about how different illustrators have approached a famous scene from Chapter XXXIII of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Tom and Huck finding the treasure. These young artist then produced their own interpretation of that scene.

First Prize: Taniya Blue

Click on the thumbnails below to see the full version of each piece.


Graphic Design

The 2022 exhibit in the museum’s second floor gallery—“The Evocative Mark Twain Inspires the Printmakers’ Network of Southern New England”—took inspiration from Twain’s words. For this year’s contest, students in Alexia Lalande’s Graphic Design class took their inspiration from those printmakers and used Twain’s words (and some from his children!) as inspiration for their art.

First Prize: Lucky Boy

Click on the thumbnails below to see the full version of each piece.

Thank you to Jacquelyn Andrews, Jodi C. DeBruyne, Mallory Howard, Rebecca Floyd, and Alana Borges Gordon for their assistance with this exhibit.

Student programs at The Mark Twain House & Museum are made possible by:

The Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb  Memorial Charitable Trust, The Brown Rudnick  Charitable Foundation, and the Charles Nelson Robinson Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee